Do Ethanol Fireplaces Smell? Here’s Your Answer

It’s a fair question.
You’ve smelt the smokiness of wood-burning fireplaces (not to mention smelt it on your hair and clothes for hours afterwards), and also wrinkled your nose at that burning plastic smell many gas fires have.
So, do ethanol fireplaces smell? Spoiler alert: it all comes down to the fuel.
Do Bioethanol Fires Have Any Odour?
Ethanol fireplace alternatives are effectively described as ‘low-odour’. That means they give off little-to-no scent.
In outdoor residential and commercial spaces such as beer gardens, decks, backyards and alfresco dining spaces, ethanol fireplaces are essentially odourless, which is a welcome change of pace for a heat source – something our customer Kayla was delighted to find.
“It looks great, has no nasty smell and emits a good amount of heat to warm an area. So much cleaner than a fire pit.”
Kayla Bescos

The only instance in which an odour may be detected inside or out is when one is first lit or extinguished, which is when you may detect a minor odour originating from the bioethanol fuel itself.
Why Do Bio Ethanol Fireplaces Smell?
That slight odour is a result of how bioethanol fuel is treated. In order for it to be labelled ‘de-natured’, an additive is required to make it “bitter and unpalatable for human consumption”, as explained by e-NRG.
Burning off this substance (in the case of e NRG ethanol fuel, the denatured bioethanol additive is 1% Tert-Butyl Alcohol or ‘TBA’), creates a slight smell that will dissipate shortly after being ignited. The same thing happens when you extinguish an bioethanol fireplace, a slight odour lingers just as it does when you blow out a candle.
Those with heightened senses of smell – such as pregnant women – may experience a slightly stronger odour in these instances. In which case you should always practise bioethanol safety for sensitive individuals by referring to fuel storage and refilling instructions supplied by the manufacturer.
As with all fireplace units – ethanol or otherwise – odours can present themselves when a space has lacklustre ventilation, particularly when it comes to instances like apartment heating where you don’t have the luxury of space.
Similarly, if you don’t regularly clean your ethanol burner insert, you may notice that a build up of dust, dirt or even pet hair can contribute to a minor odour.
For this reason, it’s important you regularly clean and maintain your bioethanol fireplace according to the manufacturer's instructions. That way you can enjoy a higher level of bioethanol air quality indoors.

Does Burning Bioethanol Fuel Give Off Fumes?
Burning bioethanol fuel variability is another reason for minor odours.
Simply put, not all bioethanol fuels are made equal. Always check the ingredients with the manufacturer and if you notice any strong smells – which is highly unusual – extinguish the fire and contact the manufacturer immediately.
As far as good quality fuel goes, e-NRG provides an environmentally conscious product that produces clean-burning bioethanol emissions. This means all that’s released when it’s burnt is heat, steam and tiny amounts of carbon dioxide – no fumes, toxins or pollutants. A refreshing contrast to the harmful foreign matter released by wood and gas fires.
In fact, in 2021 the Environment Protection Authority Victoria PA released its 2016 emissions inventory report, which revealed wood heaters to be:
“the largest contributor to human-generated fine particle pollution (51% in Metropolitan Melbourne) and the second largest contributor to Victoria’s carbon monoxide pollution (31% of total).”

Is The Smell Noticeable?
Hardly. And we speak from experience. The Chama Design showroom hosts no less than 15 of the best EcoSmart ethanol fireplaces at any given time, often in use daily. Even then, an odour is barely registered. Only in the case that an ethanol burner is low on fuel can you detect a slight whiff.
That’s why we advise our customers to keep their biofuel burners topped up above half way, not only for an odourless burn, but to always ensure a larger, warmer and more fuel efficient burning flame.
So, in short, ethanol fireplaces largely do not smell, except in the brief moments after they’re ignited or extinguished, and even then it’s hardly noticeable.
And because bioethanol fireplaces are chimneyless, and therefore don’t release smoke, soot and ash into the atmosphere, you won’t even detect an odour outside your home like you do with wood-burning fireplaces (nor will you emit the same pollutants).
In summary, these environmentally conscious alternatives provide a brilliant accent to your home or commercial space’s interior design without introducing any unwanted smells.
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